Palestinian Trade Unions' Anti-Apartheid Call

Ps Tu S Call

Palestinian trade union bodies and professional syndicates call on trade unions, trade union federations, and professional syndicates from across the world to contribute to the Palestinian-led Anti-Apartheid Movement by taking meaningful action in support of the rights of Palestinian workers and the Palestinian people at large to end the system of occupation, colonization and apartheid including through mobilizing workers, pressurizing city councils and more.

Read the historic call and demands here: 



Please find attached translations in:

French: /files/download/documents/Palestinian TU Anti-Apartheid Call_French.pdf

Italian: /files/download/documents/Palestinian TU Anti-Apartheid Call_Italian.pdf

Portuguese: /files/download/documents/Palestinian TU Anti-Apartheid Call_Portuguese.pdf

Spanish: /files/download/documents/Palestinian TU Anti-Apartheid Call_Spanish.pdf

German: /files/download/documents/Palestinian TU Anti-Apartheid Call_German.pdf