Global South Response

The Global South Response has brought together 10 ex-Presidents and hundreds of MPs, diplomats, jurists, civil society leaders and cultural figures from Asia, Africa and Latin America to demand:

  1. Adopting a resolution at the United Nations General Assembly which renews the call for, and provides the means to implement, targeted and lawful sanctions on Israel, including a military embargo, as a countermeasure to stop its de facto and de jure annexation of occupied Palestinian territories and its other egregious violations of international law.
  2. Promoting the activation of the UN Special Committee on Apartheid to address Israel’s regime over the indigenous people of Palestine.
  3. Guaranteeing the effectiveness and regular updating of the UN database of companies involved in business with Israel’s illegal settlements enterprise.
  4. Supporting the International Criminal Court’s probe into Israel’s war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Read more on the Global South Response here: https://globalsouthforpalestin...